My African Aesthetic

4.1. Otie Pokua Yankyera: Ghana

Eunice Nanzala Schumacher & Penina Acayo Laker Season 4 Episode 1

Otie Pokua Yankyera is a young architect and researcher born and raised in Ghana. Research & Development , Traditional Architecture , Sustainability and  Local Materials are at the core of her research and practice. In a design space where most young designers aspire towards western architecture, design aesthetics and practices, Otie's passion lies in researching sustainable building practices in indigenous Ghana and Africa . On this episode, we talk about her personal and career journey and her passion for sustainable design and indigenous african buildings; one that she explores through her research and practice under the name Tie` Atelier.
Links to Otie's work;
Center for Learning Disabilities
Presentation: Sustainable Building Practices - Northern Ghana I || Otie Pokua Yankyera 

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